John Major attacks, «ultra-Brexiteers» as undemocratic and un-British

26 Μαρ 2017

Ο πρώην Πρωθυπουργός Τζον Μέιτζορ επιτίθεται με αυστηρότητα στους προβεβλημένους συναδέλφους του στους Συντηρητικούς για την στάση τους στο BREXIT.

‘’Sir John Major has launched a fresh attack on “ultra-Brexiteers” within the Conservative party, accusing them of seeking to force a complete break with Europe.
The former prime minister said that having won the referendum last year with “fake facts and bogus promise”, the “ultras” were now shouting down anyone who expressed an opposing view in a way that was “totally un-British”…